190-640 nmWavelength range: 190-640 nm
Light source: deuterium lamp
4.8 nmSpectral bandwidth: 4.8 nm
±1 nmWavelength accuracy: ±1 nm
±1.0×10-5 AU(JJG)±0.6×10-5 AU(ASTM)
0.5×10-3 AU/HrDrift: 0.5×10-3 AU/Hr
0.1 nmWavelength accuracy: 0.1 nm
>2.0AU (ASTM)Noise: ±1.0×10-5 AU (JJG) ±0.6×10-5 AU (ASTM)
Maximum sampling rate: 12 channels, 100Hz; full spectrum, 100Hz
1200PSIPressure resistance of flow cell: 1200PSI
10mmOptical path of flow cell: 10mm
2×10-8 g/mLMinimum detection concentration: 2×10-8 g/mL
12ulVolume of flow cell: 12ul
Wavelength calibration: characteristic peak of mercury lamp and built-in holmium oxide filter
Installation of CLC-3200 Liquid Chromatograph