Carbon dioxide is the main component of dry ice, which can be used for electronic and nuclear industry cleaning, cleaning the internal grease and dirt of robots and automation equipment; Cleaning of integrated circuit boards, post weld flux, contaminated coatings, resins, solvent coatings, protectiv…
Boric acid is widely used in many industries, especially in nuclear power plants. It can be used as a reagent to control reaction rates, but the operating environment usually involves high temperatures and pressures. In this case, some anions can accelerate the corrosion of metal pipelines. Therefor…
The detection of anions in boiler water can evaluate the water quality. With high anion content and stronger conductivity, some anions have strong corrosiveness to metals. In addition, some ions combine with other ions to form scale or corrosion products. These substances will accumulate inside the …
During the operation of the power plant, the test results of ion chromatography are used to determine the invasion of corrosive and non corrosive ions, identify and exclude the sources and causes of corrosive ion invasion. The invasion of inorganic anions, cations, and organic acid anions (formic ac…