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The 4th National Symposium on Sample Preparation

2019-09-09 18:32909

The 4th National Symposium on Sample Preparation invites scientists at home and abroad who have made great progress in the field of sample preparation to give a brilliant report. About 200 participants attended the conference, including researchers from universities or research institutes concerned with sample preparation, government departments concerned with sample preparation technology and related instruments and devices, as well as directors, members and relevant instrument exhibitors of the branch.


Shenghan applied engineer gave a keynote report on Ion Chromatography "Pretreatment of Ion Chromatography - Combustion Method" at the meeting.

Main contents:

1. Introduction of ion chromatography;

2. Brief Introduction of combustion method;

3. Traditional methods and online comparison;

4. On-line combustion condition optimization and precision recovery experiment;

5. Main application areas of on-line combustion.

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