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SHINE CIC-D300+ Assists Shandong University's Research Team in Publishing Papers in PNAS, ES&T

2023-12-01 10:001157

Recently, The research group led by Associate Professor Zeng Yang from the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Shandong University published in the top international journals PNAS and ES&T, titled "Revealing the Underestimated Direct Emissions of Nitrous Acid (HONO)" and "Analyzing the Source of Atmospheric Ammonia Across Spatial and Seasonal Scales through Isotope Fingerprints" A research paper titled "Reporting atmospheric ammonia sources across spatial and seasonal scales by their thematic fingerprint". The SHINE CIC-D300+used by Professor Zeng provides assurance for the accuracy and stability of the paper data. SHINE has always been committed to providing analytical and testing solutions for cutting-edge scientific research fields. The successful publication of this paper demonstrates the high recognition of Shenghan ion chromatography technology by top international academic fields.


Screenshot of a paper by Professor Zeng's team from PNAS journal


The paper clearly states that the chromatograph uses SHINE CIC-D300+ion chromatograph


Screenshots of papers by Professor Zeng's team from ES&T journal


The paper clearly states that the chromatograph uses SHINE CIC-D300+ion chromatograph

Journal Introduction

PNAS is a publication of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States, one of the few "century old journals" in the world, and is on par with Nature, Science, and Cell, and has become one of the "four world famous journals". PNAS has extremely high value, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences will also publish two PNAS works or communications as one of the job recruitment thresholds.

ES&T is an internationally recognized top tier journal in the field of environmental science and technology. At present, this journal has been included in multiple databases, including SCIE, with the aim of promoting changes and direction setting in the diversified development of the environmental field, and promoting research on complex environmental phenomena and critical environmental issues.

The research by Associate Professor Zeng Yang's research group on the direct emission sources of atmospheric nitrite gas has challenged traditional understanding of the sources of atmospheric nitrite and provided strong evidence for revealing the contribution of direct emission sources to atmospheric nitrite; The study of the sources of ammonia in the atmosphere has guiding significance for the formulation of future strategies and research directions for reducing ammonia emissions in the atmosphere. Both studies provide in-depth analysis of atmospheric pollutants and their sources, which have a significant impact on environmental air quality.




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