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Detection of Fluoride and Chloride in Germanium Ores

2024-01-24 00:00515

Germanium  has  various   special  properties  and  has  extensive  and  important  applications  in  fields  such  as semiconductors, aerospace measurement and control, nuclear physics detection, fiber optic communication, infrared optics, solar cells, chemical catalysts, biomedicine, etc. It is an important strategic resource. In the electronic industry, in alloy pretreatment, and in the optical industry, it can also serve as a catalyst.


Germanium products will further increase technological innovation and transformation efforts, optimize process flow, and  improve  resource  recovery and  utilization  rates.  Due to  its extensive demand and  industrial  upgrading and transformation, there is currently a demand for quality testing of germanium ore. The content of fluorine and chlorine in germanium ore is an important indicator, as fluorine and chlorine not only pollute the environment, but also corrode equipment and pipelines during the refining process, affecting product quality. Therefore, the research on the detection and methods of fluoride and chloride content in germanium ore has attracted widespread attention.

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