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Detection of Anions in Engine Coolant

2024-01-19 00:00596

The coolant mainly consists of water, antifreeze, corrosion inhibitor, defoamer, etc. The addition of antifreeze can effectively control the freezing point of coolant products and prevent the water tank from freezing or even cracking. The function of corrosion inhibitors is to prevent corrosion of metal pipelines in the cooling system, in order to avoid coolant leakage or loss. Commonly used corrosion inhibitors include silicate, nitrite, nitrate, acid salt, benzoate, diacid salt, etc. There are also some substances in the coolant that can accelerate the corrosion of metal pipelines in the cooling system, such as chloride ions, which have a strong corrosive effect and can activate stainless steel, easily inducing pitting and even perforation on the aluminum surface.

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