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Determination of Fluoride EDTA and Oxalic Acid in Vacuum Blood Collecting Tube

2023-06-13 00:00635

A simple and sensitive method for the determination of fluoride, EDTA and oxalic acid in evacuated blood collection vessels was established by using ion chromatography with suppressed conductivity detection to distinguish the type and content of the contents in the blood collection vessels.

Although the pharmaceutical industry standard YY0314-2007 Disposable Human Venous Blood Sample Collection Container stipulates the amount of contents, it does not specify the determination method. Fluoride ion selective electrode method is generally used for fluoride ion, but the stability of fluoride ion selective electrode is poor, which is difficult to meet the needs of modern pharmacopoeia. However, the complexometric titration method commonly used for the determination of oxalic acid and EDTA is not suitable for the determination of the content in such samples. Using ion chromatography, the contents of fluoride, oxalic acid and EDTA in three different types of blood collection vessels can be determined at one time, and the classification of the contents of blood collection vessels can be obtained.

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