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Detection of Anions in Aqueous Ammonia

2023-06-05 00:00722

Aqueous  ammonia is a volatile and weakly alkaline aqueous solution that is commonly used to regulate the pH value of boiler feed water in thermal power generating units, maintain the circulating medium in the furnace tube within the specified pH range, to ensure the corrosion resistance of metal pipes, and ensure the safe and economic operation of the boiler. If aqueous  ammonia contains excessive anions (mainly referred to as Cl- ,SO42- ,PO43- ), these impurities will enter the furnace along with the PH adjustment process, thereby directly affecting the water and steam quality in the furnace, After  long-term  cycle  operation,  malignant  accidents  such  as  salt  accumulation,  scaling,  and  tube explosion will occur in thermal equipment. Therefore, accurate determination of the content of impurities and anions in aqueous ammonia is of great significance for conducting before use evaluation and acceptance of aqueous ammonia, and ensuring the safety of the ammonia dosing process.

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