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Determination of Chloride in the Treatment Solution of Bronze Artifacts

2023-06-05 00:00701

The culture of bronze ware lasted for about 15 centuries from the Two Gan Years BC to the Spring and Autumn Period. It is an important component of the cultural and artistic treasure trove of the Chinese nation. Most of the unearthed bronze ware has been buried underground for hundreds or even thousands of years, with varying degrees of corrosion. Among them , powdery rust is the most harmful form of corrosion, Commonly known as "bronze disease", powdery rust is a malignant swelling rust that appears bright green and powdery, mainly composed of a mixture of copper and parachlorocopper, and is one of the main diseases causing damage to bronze vessels Most people believe that the formation of powdery rust is due to the fact that bronze vessels are buried in an environment containing a large amount of chloride ions, water vapor, and a large amount of carbon dioxide and a small amount of hydrogen sulfide produced by organic decay. Under certain conditions, Cu+reacts with Cl- to generate CuCI, which continues to oxidize to form CuCI2  in  an  oxidizing  atmosphere.  CuCI2  is  unstable  and  easily  hydrolyzed,  ultimately forming  Cu2  (OH) 3CI. Therefore, CuCl is the root cause of bronze disease through analysis of the corrosion mechanism , Removing chloride ions is the key to rust removal of bronze ware. Therefore, determining the content of chloride ions in the powder rust treatment solution of bronze ware is of great significance for repairing bronze ware. To determine whether the rust removal method is effective and when the rust removal can be completed, we need to know the chloride ion content after each rust removal. Ion chromatography, as a routine laboratory analysis method, has become the preferred method for analyzing anions.

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