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Determination of Sodium and Potassium in Eye Drops

2023-06-05 00:00722

Sodium  chloride  eye  drops  are  a  compound formulation,  containing  4.4  milligrams  of sodium  chloride  and  0.8 milligrams of potassium chloride per milliliter. Potassium chloride is a colorless, slender, rhombic or cubic crystal, or white crystalline small particle powder, resembling table salt in appearance, odorless, and salty in taste. It is commonly used  as  an  additive  for  low  sodium  salts  and  mineral  water.  Hydroxyethylcellulose  sodium  0.7  milligrams  can effectively alleviate temporary symptoms of eye dryness. It can effectively alleviate symptoms such as dry eye, eye fatigue, discomfort caused by wearing contact lenses, and blurred vision.

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